Macedonian and Bulgarian Folk Music

Macedonian Postcards



David Bilides and Dragi Spasovski are your hosts for discussions and samples of all 54 Macedonian folk songs in Dragi's 3-CD project, as well as stories about the recordings, musicians, Dragi's life, and Macedonian culture in general. You can download each episode individually under the links section for that episode, listen to an audio stream of each episode, or you can subscribe to the entire series through one of the links on the right sidebar.

Episode 25: Bolen mi leži Kara-Mustafa

Dragi talks about this Tetovo song and the group that recorded it, Braḱa Gavrovski. He also talks about ornamenting songs and the possible identity of Kara-Mustafa.

Audio and Links for Episode 25

Episode 25: Bolen mi leži Kara-Mustafa (19:50)

Bolen Mi Leži Kara-Mustafa (Dragi Spasovski, Track 6)

Bolen mi lega Kara-Mustafa (Braḱa Gavrovski, 4:04)

More, dva se smeja po nebo besnejat (Braḱa Gavrovski, 3:07)

Bolen mi leži Kara-Mustafa (Živan Milić, 4:18)

Bolen mi leži Kara-Mustafa (Vievska Folk Grupa, 4:08)

02 July 2011

Episode 24: Devojko mori, devojko

For this song from north-central Macedonia, Dragi talks about the origin of the lyrics and four different versions. He also discusses Dragica Mavrovska.

Audio and Links for Episode 24

Episode 24: Devojko mori, devojko (18:46)

Devojko Mori, Devojko (Dragi Spasovski, Track 5)

Stefanke mome ubavo (Dragi Spasovski, 2:06)

Devojko mori, devojko (Tanec 2:45)

Na sred selo tapan bie (Dragica Mavrovska, 3:03)

Slavej pee na trendafil (Dragica Mavrovska and Anka Gieva, 2:08)

Lenče bolno leži (Sestrite Mavrovski, 4:15)

Tarapani marel babi (Dragica Mavrovska, 3:00)

08 April 2011

Episode 23: Zaspala Jana, Janinka

For this song from north-central Macedonia, Dragi talks about the category of songs having to do with young men or woman who are awakened from sleep. He also talks about how this song is connected with his younger daughter.

Audio and Links for Episode 23

Episode 23: Zaspala Jana, Janinka (11:48)

Zaspala Jana, Janinka (Dragi Spasovski, Track 4)

More sokol pie (Aleksandar Sarievski and Dragica Nikolova, 2:32)

Stanvaj Donke, stanvaj ḱerko porano (Rahilka Burzevska Nikolova, 2:32)

19 February 2011

Episode 22: Ogrejala mesečina

Dragi talks about the Tetovo dialect, how songs spread from one village to another, the meaning of "young bride", and the syMBol of the moon in folk songs.

Audio and Links for Episode 22

Episode 22: Ogrejala mesečina (17:12)

Ogrejala Mesecina (Dragi Spasovski, Track 3)

Ogreala mesečina (Vaska Ilieva, 2:56)

Ogrejala mesečina (Tanec, 2:18)

Oj, mesečino novino (Vaska Ilieva, 2:58)

26 November 2010

Episode 21: Aj, zdram, zdrami se

Dragi talks about the meaning of the archaic word "zdram," and how folk songs help preserve a culture's heritage.

Audio and Links for Episode 21

Episode 21: Aj, zdram, zdrami se (12:56)

Aj, zdram, zdrami se (Dragi Spasovski, Track 2)

Aj, zdram, zdrami se (alternate version, 2:38)

29 October 2010