Macedonian and Bulgarian Folk Music

Macedonian Postcards


Berovo weaver

David Bilides and Dragi Spasovski are your hosts for discussions and samples of all 54 Macedonian folk songs in Dragi's 3-CD project, as well as stories about the recordings, musicians, Dragi's life, and Macedonian culture in general. You can download each episode individually under the links section for that episode, listen to an audio stream of each episode, or you can subscribe to the entire series through one of the links on the right sidebar.

Episode 10: Pavle mi pie

This well-known song from Skopsko about a man who can't pay his bar bill has many versions. Dragi talks about his first hearing of the song on the kemane and about Elena Dimitrievska. (Some of the versions of the songs below are available in the books sold on this site.)

Audio and Links for Episode 10

Episode 10: Pavle mi pie (13:32)

Pavle mi pie. (Dragi Spasovski, Track 9)

Pavle mi pie (Persa Nikolova and Marica Zilkovska, 3:27)

Pavle mi pie (Kitka, 3:29)

Pavle mi pie (Ogneni Moncinja, 3:53)

Aber mi dojde od Soluna grada (Persa Nikolova, Marica Zilkovska, Elena Dimitrievska, 3:05)

3 August 2008

Episode 9: Lino mome, sevdalino

This old love ballad is from the Lazaropole/Mijak area, Dragi also discusses arranged marriages and reminisces about Kiril Mančevski.

Audio and Links for Episode 9

Episode 9: Lino mome, sevdalino (14.42)

Voice of My Soul (Dragi Spasovski, Track 8)

Izlezi, Vido mori, čudo da vidiš (Kiril Mančevski, 3:27)

Jano mori (Kiril Mančevski, 4:39)

27 July 2008

Episode 8: Kaži mi, kaži, Katinke

This love song in 5/16 from the Pelagonija region generates a discussion about the hero Krale Marko, the singers Ǵorǵi Želčeski, Kevser Selimova, and Gogo Zafiroski, and a famous song claimed by everyone in the Balkans.

Audio and Links for Episode 8

Episode 8: Kaži mi, kaži, Katinke (12:20)

Kaži mi, kaži, Katinke (Dragi Spasovski, Track 7)

Jovano, Jovanke (Selimova-Želčeski Duo, 2:42)

Biljana platno beleše (Gogo Zafiroski, 3:02)

Katıbım (Safiye Ayla, 3:22)

9 July 2008

Episode 7: Dej gidi ludi mladi godini

Dragi describes our sixth song, Dej gidi ludi mladi godini, as an ode to youth. He also talks about the Lazaropole/Mijak area, the dance "Teškoto", and Aleksandar Sarievski.

Audio and Links for Episode 7

Episode 7: Dej gidi ludi mladi godini.mp3 (16:26)

Dej gidi ludi mladi godini (Dragi Spasovski, Track 6)

Teškoto (Trio Majovci, 5:20)

Dej gidi ludi mladi godini (Aleksandar Sarievski, 4:47)

11 June 2008

Episode 6: Bog da go bie Ibraim-odža

Bog Da Go Bie Ibraim-odža is our fifth song. Dragi talks about Mirvet Belovska, čalgija, and Ottoman tax collection. [UPDATE 2008-07-27: We've found the Mirvet Belovska recording of this song! Thanks to Michele Anciaux.]

Audio and Links for Episode 6

Episode 6: Bog da go bie Ibraim-odža (12:36)

Bog da go bie Ibraim-odža (Dragi Spasovski, Track 5)

Bog da go bie Ibraim-odža (Mirvet Belovska, 3:10)

22 May 2008