Macedonian Folk Songs for Voice and Tambura
Volume 1
This 113-page book, by David Bilides,
Rachel MacFarlane, and Kathryn Stately, is available only as a bundled download, with audio files of all 35 Macedonian folk songs. The 88 minutes of music were recorded from the original records, or from cassettes, and digitally re-mastered. I've chosen 3 song samples to give you a preview.
Readers of both volumes have had many positive comments.
Also Included
- lyrics to all the songs in Cyrillic, Latin transliteration, and English translation
- notation of all vocals, including ornaments
- tambura interludes notated with ornaments
- vocal notes
- tambura notes
- notes on the songs
- map of the region
- pronunciation guide
- glossary
- resources, including: books and articles; language, singing, and tambura teachers; music
publication and recording sources; organizations; radio programs; web sites; and more
List of Songs
- Aber Mi Dojde Od Soluna Grada
- Ajde, Mala Stana Bolna Legnala
- Ajde, Pominuvam
- Ajde Što E Džumbuš Vo Naše Selo
- Brat i Sestra
- Čuli Sa Se, Male
- Čuli Se Sa, Male
- Dej Gidi Mome
- Devojče, Devojče
- Devojko, Devojko
- Gusta Maglo
- Idi Da Go Sakaš
- Jas Ḱe Ti Dojdam, Mitro
- Majka Na Jane, Mori, Dumaše
- Mŭr’ Stojmeno
- Na Stolče Sedam
- Naša Bela Vaša
- Našata Bela Vaša
- Otidoh Dolu V Livade
- Pavle Mi Pie
- Pošla Si Rada Na Bunar
- Sadilo Mome
- Sedna Ludo Da Večera
- Snošti Mi Dojde Čuždo Junače
- Sofke, Mori, Sofke
- Sokol Mi Leta Visoko
- Sonceto Trepti Da Zajde
- Što E Jogreala
- Što Rekoh Prorekoh
- Tri Biljbilja Poev
- Tri Godini, Kate, Bolem Ležam
- Tropnalo Oro
- Večeraj Anǵo
- Vo Gradina Ima
- Zasvirel Stojan
Song Samples
Here are 3 song samples from Volume 1, each an .mp3 about 30 seconds long.
Ajde Mala Stana Bolna
Devojko, Devojko
Jas Ḱe Ti Dojdam, Mori
To order the download, please go to the order page.
Please note: There are no shipping charges for this item.