Macedonian and Bulgarian Folk Music

Pat MacSwyney

Pat MacSwyney photo

Pat MacSwyney grew up in suburban Chicago listening to his mother’s Dubliners and Bing Crosby records. He has been performing Irish, Balkan, Ottoman, and various interpretations of traditional music for over 25 years. Pat has recorded both solo and with the bands; The Baksheesh Boys, StinkEye, Buzzworld, The Milkmaids of Swing and the Mexican-Irish punk band BLACK CLOTHES POINTY SHOES. In 2007, Pat played Macedonian kaval opposite vocalist Azam Ali in the dramatic closing scene of the Warner Bros movie "300”.

Pat has a degree in Anthropology from U.C. Santa Barbara and has subsequently never held gainful employment outside of the music and food service industries. Pat lives with his family in north Los Angeles County and plays music for dancing and drinking at weddings, wakes, sunnets, pubs, cafés and the occasional Hollywood blockbuster. Pat plays a wide variety of instruments including kaval, ney, frula, trumpet, bouzouki, baglama, saz, tambura, mandolin and cittern.